Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sooooo...I changed my hair color...true story. Mom hates it. What do you think? Oh yeah these are my pals...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh Jess...I'm sorry. That really sucks. But just think...every night...I pray for you to be happy:)SO of course you will be soon! I miss you. Wasn't Courtney supposed to be on a mission? Or is she in the process of leaving. Do you miss her or is she still being a brat?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dearest Erika, That is really neat. What a special experience. My life has been very...well we'll say interesting lately. As you probably know, nikole, kate and Courtney came up to visit. It was really great to spend time with some of the people I love most in the world. Also, it was really difficult because I got the distinct impression that this would be the last time we and my heart has been hurting ever since they left. Also, Robyn has really been struggling. I love her more than anyone, but she has really bad depression and it hurts to watch her struggle to accept her life. Sorry I don't have anything great to write, I wish that I was great and exciting and had interesting, important things to report on. But, sometimes life is difficult and sometimes you feel like it's crumbling around you. I feel kind of like for everything i love I have to pay a price, and that's a difficult thing to realize. I love you sis. I'm proud of you for being political-like ( ;) ) and figuring things out. I'll have to tell you what I think when I'm less depressed. How's school going? How are boys? Roommates? Sure love you, and I miss you like crazy.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Jessika...You are pathetic! I want you to write on the blog! How is your life? How was seeing the fam? Well, I've been working a story about a new heart pump that the U of U is working on. The 2.5 inch Ventrassist could replace heart transplants. That means, people who don't qualify for a heart transplant don't have to have a huge machine sticking out of their body for the rest of their life, they can actually do normal things again. I interviewed this old lady who reminded me of you. She came to Utah for the new pump and is doing much better. I asked if she liked Salt Lake and she said,"I'm not a city girl. You can't take the girl out of the country, or is it, you can't take the country out of the girl...I don't remember." This lady made me laugh so hard!
She was actually about to die and life means everything to her. Because of this pump, she is still alive. I don't think I savor every minute of my life enough, and I'm not connected to any tubes.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Yes. I know. I'm sorry I haven't written lately. You are going to be jealous of my life when I tell you this...last week I watched the Office and Simpsons in my popular media class. Then in my government and ethics class our professor bought the class pizza, breadsticks, and drinks. We have over 40 students, so that definitally equates to me having the best professor out of all of yours and mine combined;0 be jealous. I got a letter from Chase the other day. He is sick of cleaning up the Hurricane...that would really suck. I went on a date to Olive Garden last Thursday with a guy from England. He is pretty hillarious. We watched pushing daisies at his house after that, do you watch that show? It is my all time favorite.

Sooo....what did you think of the vp debate?

I’m not going to lie, this was a tough one. Considering I’m not completely siding with either one of the candidates even after they verbally fought it out, I would have to say they both showed their strengths and weaknesses. Sarah Palin seemed very open and able to relate with the American people. In my opinion she is definitely a people person, I believe that was one of her greatest strengths during this debate. However, her lack of experience showed as she kept referring to “What I did in Alaska….”. I understand she did many incredible things for the state of Alaska but I also believe the United States is bigger than just in Alaska. Someone running our country will need to know how to govern a nation rather than just a state.
But she brought a whole new look too politics. She has already turned many heads as a woman VP candidate, and I believe that is what McCain was aiming to do. But just the way she talks, dresses, acts, and lives, are all new to the political world. She kept saying that she wanted to bring something fresh to Washington. I believe she will do that, the only thing I am wondering, is if a hockey mom and Governor of Alaska has the skills to govern our nation. Joe Biden was definitely not a people person. He seemed very dry and I found myself almost falling asleep when he was talking. But I thought he had some good arguments and some good points. He looks like the typical VP candidate and has the experience from the senate. It is a tough choice but I think I’m slowly siding with Palin. Anyway mom loves Palin, so don't say anything bad about her around mom. She will chew your ear off.

Anyway...THANK YOU FOR THE GERBER DAISY AND HOW TO LOOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS. IT MADE MY DAY! You are the best sister in the world!!!! All my roomates are jealous;)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

also, I'm at work right now and my nose got dry so I put lotion in it and now I can't stop smelling vanilla. Go figure.
oh gosh. My life is very busy. I feel like I'm always working. Hmmm...this probably should change. So my roommate and I were talking in her sleep the other day. It was very very very funny. How are you and your peeps doing? Are you guys getting along any better? My computer is broken :(, so it had to go to the fix it shop sad day. Robyn's mom bought us pizza, which was very very nice of her. You don't really tell me what's going on in your life, which is dumb and I'm going to see wicked. What's going on? DId you hear that Brittany sang infront of 10000 students at her school? She must be pretty good. Well, I love ya. Probably you should let me into your life more. Remember when you lived with me for a week? That was great and dumb. Where'd you go in salt lake today?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ooooo...jeka! You are dating somone? And he stares at you. Is that a bad thing? Fun, be careful;)Do want to hear about my life? It is actually a long dramatic story but to make it short, one of my guy friends told me he wanted to date me seriously and I told him that I didn't want to do that...I might have offended him, but he is over that now. What the heck? I've only known him for 2 weeks. Then this Friday I'm going on a date with a guy that actually started his own business selling those post missionary planners you were talking about. I think the only reason he is taking me is so that I will promote his product on BYU Daily News.Yeah right;) Plus, he is kind of wierd. Remember on felicity, that guy that was allways trying to start his own businesses, yeah he is just like that. lol. Love you;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 is amazing and the fact that it goes by so fast are really weird. So, Robyn and I decided that for Christmas we are buying each other wicked tickets. So, we're going to Wicked in April!!!! I'm stoked about that. So...there is this dude. He's very, very, very handsome. But he's also an engineering major. I think that says it all. We've been dating a little bit, but he bugs me sometimes, because he won't quit staring at me. Literally, it's like he doesn't have eyelids over those gorgeous eyes. What to do, what to do. What do you think? I'm sorry you're stressed out...that sucks. But I bought you a surprise and will mail it to you shortly. Just tell me your address. It will make your happiness a golden poem. Also, we lost the game, but hey-we scored! Our football team really, really, really sucks. But, I think that you should join us for that blessed event of usu v. byu. You and your peeps should come up the night before stay over and party like it's warm, go to the game and then go home. What do you think? I think great! Love you, hope you're happy.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jessika...this BYU thing is stressing me out, I miss Chase(he's in the middle of hurricaine Ike), and I am behind on homework. I haven't been on a date since I got here, all the boys are old and serious...well, most of them...and most of all I MISS YOU too.
On a happy note BYU won!!! I think when I am older and married I will dress all my kids up in little BYU outfits and take them to the football games with my husband. Can you imagine me someday doing that?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ok ok no no...this is not going to work. Do you want to know why? You can't keep publishing posts as me!!! Thats just not right.

ok funny story of the nonmember roomate wants to hear from the missionaries (but only to flirt with them) so I got the missionaries and I told them in advance she would do that...we'll see how this goes....

blah blah blah...I do my first story tomorrow...on glass blowing at sundance;)
now you will regret it...I have publishing power I will write everything I can!!! Haha...poor you. Here is a inspirational, philosophical thought: I have decided love makes you beautiful. The love you give to others and the love that you recieve from others. These together make people beautiful. First of all it makes you glow...and how many glowing people aren't beautiful? But seriously, there is something about love's saving power that makes you beautiful. And not just the "eye of the beholder" thing. True beauty comes from love. What do you think?

These are me and my peeps, haveing the time of our lives, what do you think? They're at R's (Robyn)concert. She is a professional percussionist. She's very good.
Hello, I have the fortunate spot of number 1. I am no.1 in the family, no.1 in looks and no.1 on this blog. You know it. I win. But you can be second, just because I like ya. So, here's my news. The trough in our house proved to be a catalyst for creative ideas. Finally, we settled on the perfect idea...a fish tank. So we promptly all went to wal-mart and purchased .15 fish. We started with 12. Now we have 8. Go figure. So this is a lovely idea, and I think that it will help to keep us close. Another thing about my life is I have a special spot. I always read about them in books, and people have told me of their special spots, but I, alas, have not had one to call my own. Until now. It is a beautiful spot on old main hill, Iwill describe it to you dear sister, but I don't expect you to know it. Over by the institute and new on-campus housing, there is a little look out balcony that is secluded, yet it looks over all of Logan valley and Logan canyon (and the temple is so beautiful there at dusk!) on one side, and the shrouded, woody side of old main hill on the other. Oh, it is my own little corner of heaven. So I like to go there everyday armed with my utah state sweatshirt blanket, ipod, homework, scriptures, journal, and a steamy cup of hot chocolate (because it's cold here) and do my work. It is sublime, I actually look forward to doing my homework. Also, I have decided that I am a selfish girl. I love my friends deeply, but I get jealous when I don't get to spend enough time with them or when other people are. Why is that? I know they still love me, but my secret heart of hearts sends deep crippling black doubt into my body that I am not loved as much as I think I aught to be. Oh sister, help me and my imperfections, for I know not why I am so weird! Does this ever happen to you?