Sunday, February 01, 2009

JEKA!!! Thank you for the letter. How do you seal it with wax like that? I felt like I was opening a letter from 1770. Ashley was way jealous, but she thought it was amazing. I think I'm just going to have to save the envelope and the letter...
So interviewed Carol Mikita the other you know who that is? She is a news anchor and reporter for KSL TV. She usually is the one that comes on right after general conference with documentaries on the prophets. This is what she told me...At first she gave me answers that I would expect from a journalist currently in the field. She told me to learn how to write well, ask questions that people want answers to, study hard, and be able to talk to people.
But then she told me something I guess I should have found more obvious, but instead it still surprised me. Being a journalist herself, she told me to want it more than I want anything else. She told me that when I go to bed at night I should wake up wondering what happened while I was sleeping. I began to see how journalism can be more than just a job. For some people it can become a way of life, a way of thinking about information different from everyone else.

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